Gaining the Skills: Practical Steps For Reconciliation
If I want to try to reconcile with someone, how is it done? What steps should be taken? How can I prepare my heart? What other issues should I consider? How do I know if I am ready to pursue reconciliation? Answers to these and other questions are found in this episode.
Understanding Reconciliation and Its Obstacles
We are beings designed for relationship, but disagreements, misunderstandings, and betrayals hinder unity. God is the great Reconciler, drawing us to Himself. He then passes on to us the ministry of reconciliation. Understanding its purpose and the obstacles to it will give us the opportunity to consider pursuing reconciliation in our lives.
God’s Presence in Infertility and Miscarriage with Rich & Melissa Short (Part 2)
Miscarriage can be traumatic. Infertility can bring despair. Questions about why it happens to arise from those who have experienced it. How is it possible to have faith after great loss? How can people come alongside those who are going through grief? Rich and Melissa share their journey of grief and loss and how God met them in each step.
Facing Grief in Infertility and Miscarriage with Rich & Melissa Short (Part 1)
The unmet longing of infertility and the loss of a child who doesn’t live to full term bring deep grief. Friends Rich and Melissa, missionaries in Japan and Germany, share the first part of their story of infertility and miscarriage. They share the honest internal struggles they experienced and the ways God ministered to them along the way.
God’s Heart for Those Who Experience Grief and Loss with Angie Warren, LCSW (Part 2)
Angie Warren joins us again to share more of her expertise in the area of grief and loss. She shares healthy responses to grief, both for the ones experiencing grief and for those that care for them. She also shares how God ministers to us in our grief and loss.
Grief and Loss in Children, Teens, and Adults with Angie Warren LCSW, (Part 1)
Angie Warren, a therapist and licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), joins us to talk about grief and loss. In her work with children, teens, and adults, she helps them walk through the process of understanding and facing their grief. In this episode, she talks about grief and how it manifests in the lives of people of all ages. She speaks with kindness, compassion, and understanding.
God Brings Hope After Huge Betrayal: Mary’s Story (Part 2)
In the second of two episodes with Mary, we learn of the aftermath of the criminal betrayal by the man she married after her first husband's death. Mary shares the long journey of healing she experienced by God's grace. She shares the lessons she learned and the hope she found.
Attempts to Cover Shame with a Perfect Image: Mary’s Story (Part 1)
In this first part of her story, we hear about Mary's childhood experience of parental control, hiding, and avoidance. This left her without the life skills she needed as an adult to navigate parenting and marriage.
God’s Grace Brings Generational Change: EJay and Lori’s Story, (Part 2)
When my friends, EJay and Lori came home broken from the mission field, they had no hope. As they learned and believed God’s grace, they healed and discovered that this process affected more than the two of them. In this episode, they share how trusting the truths of who they are in Christ brought generational change
From Mission Field Unraveling to Life in Grace: EJay and Lori’s Story, (Part 1)
Life overseas on the mission field brought the unresolved issues of the past to the surface for my friends, EJay and Lori. They became aware of their need for God's grace. Hear how God met them and began freeing them to a new way of life.
How to Live in the Hope of the Gospel with Caleb Smith (Part 2)
Caleb Smith, Young Adult and Associate Pastor at Open Door Fellowship Church, and I talk about the Gospel and what it really is. Misconceptions and limited understanding of it keep us from living in the power of it. Caleb shares God's plan for a full and abundant life in Christ.
The Power of the Gospel for our Everyday Lives with Caleb Smith (Part 1)
In this episode, pastor Caleb Smith joins me for a conversation about the power of the Gospel in our everyday lives. God’s plan to offer us eternal life through Jesus was not meant solely for our experience after death. It was meant to give us joy and hope in our life here on earth.
The Holy Spirit’s Work in Us
In this episode, I’ll share what the Holy Spirit did for us at our salvation and how to live out these truths in our day-to-day lives. As we practice believing and depending on the Holy Spirit to do His work in us, we mature and grow in faith. The more we live in what God has done for us, the more shame loses power.
Navigating Tricky Relational Dynamics at the Holidays
How can we approach the holidays without losing our sanity? Join me for this solo episode where I offer tips on how to navigate tricky relational dynamics in a healthy way.
Healthy Intimacy with God and Others Brings Freedom: Ryan's Story, Part Two
Join me for the second part of my conversation with Ryan, as he courageously shares the long journey of learning to trust God to free him from his bondage to sexual addiction. He shares about the community and encouragement to live in radical honesty through a 12-Step program.
Need for Emotional Connection: Roots of Sexual Addiction: Ryan’s Story, Part One
In today’s first of two episodes, Ryan courageously shares the beginning of his story of sexual addiction. He doesn’t give graphic details but rather tells of the bondage this addiction produced in him and how he realized that only God could restore his life.
Sexual Addiction, Part Two: The Healing Process with Mark Huey
In this episode, join me and licensed therapist, Mark Huey as we explore what is needed to experience healing and recovery from sexual brokenness. We dive into the purpose and role of therapists, support groups, and 12-Step groups.
Sexual Addiction, Part One: Its Cause and Effects
In this episode, join me and licensed therapist, Mark Huey as we unpack the definition of sexual addiction and its effect on our health and relationships. Listen to how Mark works with his clients to reduce shame and heal from sexual brokenness.
Sandra’s Story: Healing From Shame-based Performance and Hypervigilance (Part 2)
In this episode, discover how Sandra learned to process the trauma she had unknowingly suppressed. Discover how she learned the tools to work through her pain and heal without it crushing her completely.
Sandra’s Story: Hiding Shame through Performance and Hypervigilance (Part 1)
In this episode, Sandra shares her story of how the experiences of her childhood created a desire in her to hide her flaws. Learn why those self-protective measures could not fix the shame she felt for her human vulnerabilities.