An Agenda with God
My friend listened patiently, then asked, “What do you think it would take for you to believe that God loves you?”
My hand opened and I began pointing to each finger, angrily listing off my demands.
The Church Costume Party
My competitive side kicked in. A plan came together and I geared up for the big night. I couldn’t wait for the children to guess my costume.
Surprised by Love
As the evening wore on and we enjoyed a potluck meal together, I found that I couldn’t stop shaking. I couldn’t eat and could barely take a sip of water.
Miracle Applesauce
I didn’t have enough apples. I couldn’t run to the store for more. I didn’t have the cash flow to cover it, and I needed to teach the Kindergartners. I couldn’t leave. Others couldn’t either. It was a jam-packed morning.
Shame in a Name
“I didn’t care for my name because it represented the shame I carried about myself. I felt unworthy of a name I considered lovely.”
“Easy out!”
“I would have preferred to stay in the classroom where my strengths were seen, rather than being on the ball field with my weaknesses on full display.”
An Impossible Camp Commitment
“When I misunderstand the gift of God’s grace, not just for salvation, but for the work of sanctification in me, I can live trying to earn God’s favor as if I never had it.”
Safety Patrol
“What was designed to be an honor turned into a month of anxiety producing hiding.”
Shame and the Polka Singing Girls
“Of all the songs they could have picked, they chose this one. I felt confused and frightened. I jumped off the swing and ran inside. Why would they sing this song for me?”
Like Going to the Prom with Your Brother
“God’s love felt abstract and elusive, not tangible and real. I didn’t understand how the love of a God I can’t see, touch, or talk to face to face could meet the deep relational needs of my heart.”