Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

Living Out Our Identity in Christ Within Marriage with Tom and Marcia Kuyper (Part 1)

We can look to our spouses to find our worth, only to be disappointed with their inability to fully address our needs. We may feel devalued or unimportant. Historical struggles add to the shame we feel. As we look to God as our source, we begin to have a balanced perspective of our marriage, trusting what God says is true about us.  This begins to free us to enjoy our spouses for who they are.  

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

How Shame Can Impact a Marriage

God’s design for marriage is oneness.  When old hurts, sin, and shame go unaddressed, it can rob a marriage of the beauty of the unity God designed for them to enjoy.  Learning to forgive, repent, and give grace can restore what evil set out to destroy.  

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

A Tough Diagnosis Doesn’t Have to Rob Hope with Jim Rosania (Part 2)

After a successful career as an athlete and a trainer to professional and elite athletes, Jim Rosania was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. Declining health and new limits on his capacity have not robbed him of hope. He continues to see God’s faithfulness and goodness, trusting that God still has significant work for him to do.

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

A Career Guided by God with Jim Rosania (Part 1)

After a successful career as an athlete and a trainer to professional and elite athletes, Jim Rosania was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. Declining health and new limits on his capacity have not robbed him of hope. He continues to see God’s faithfulness and goodness, trusting that God still has significant work for him to do.

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

Cultivating Faith: Trusting God in the Waiting with Kelly Hall (Part 2)

God can use the challenging circumstances of our lives to strengthen us and give us confidence in who He is and who we are in Him. Suffering doesn’t have to rob us of hope. It can give us a deeper experience of life and greater intimacy with God. Kelly Hall shares more of how being a mother of three profoundly deaf daughters became her gateway to life abundant in Christ.

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

Nothing is Impossible With God, with Kelly Hall (Part 1)

Our version of impossible circumstances is not impossible with God. Nothing is too hard for Him. Nothing is impossible to Him. He meets us each day with strength and help to meet the challenges He allows in our lives. Author, teacher, and podcaster Kelly Hall shares how God met her through the journey of parenting three daughters who are profoundly deaf. His faithfulness carried her through.

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

When Ongoing Hardships Bring Shame

When hardships seem unending, in our desire for relief, we can find ourselves blaming ourselves or others for the struggle. We often feel shame, believing it is somehow our fault that the trials persist. We can wonder where God is and if He cares, which only contributes to the shame we feel. Instead, God wants to minister to us in the heartache, giving us grace and strength to endure.

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

Freedom in Christ to Be the “Real” Me with Delphine Fanfon (Part 2)

Shifting from a culture of hiding and pretending to one of authenticity is no small task. Yet living behind a mask keeps us from living as our real selves. Delphine Fanfon is my guest again this week. She shares her courageous journey to invite others to a life of vulnerability. There are challenges and rewards as she watches the Holy Spirit move in the lives of those she influences.

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

Finding Hope in the Midst of Poverty and Shame with Delphine Fanfon (Part 1)

When poverty is added to the mix of a person’s experience, shame’s power seems great. Only God’s grace can overcome shame. Delphine Fanfon, who lives in the country of Cameroon in Africa, shares the harsh realities of the suffering of the people there. She tells of her own journey to come to trust Jesus and His grace, and now comes alongside adolescents to give them hope of what God can do.

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

Comparison and Performance Hinders Intimacy with God with Sue Tell (Part 1)

We can fall into the trap of comparison among fellow Christians. We might fear that others have greater influence or standing within the Christian community. This creates judgment, criticism, and shame. Sue Tell, veteran leader in the Navigators ministry shares some of her story of falling into the comparison trap, followed by a spiritual crash. This led her to a readiness to receive God’s grace.

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

Looking Back After 100 Podcast Episodes

Arriving at the milestone of 100 podcast episodes affords the opportunity to reflect on lessons learned, joys experienced, and gratitude to God and all who helped make it happen.

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

Shame in the Church Because of Relational Hurt

Misguided theology creates shame. Misapplied Scripture creates shame. Without an understanding of God’s grace, Christian organizations and churches can be places where Christians experience shame. This is not God’s intention. God doesn’t create shame. He heals shame. God intends for the body of Christ to aid in this healing of shame. As we grow in grace, God can use us as avenues of His healing.

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

Shame in the Church Because of Misguided Theology

Misguided theology creates shame. Misapplied Scripture creates shame. Without an understanding of God’s grace, Christian organizations and churches can be places where Christians experience shame. This is not God’s intention. God doesn’t create shame. He heals shame. God intends for the body of Christ to aid in this healing of shame. As we grow in grace, God can use us as avenues of His healing.

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

Cheryl’s Story: God is Greater Than Our Deepest Wounds (Part 2)

Even public humiliation can’t stop God from healing us. He is greater than our deepest wounds. Cheryl tells how God met her to help her forgive her ex-husband. In the process of working through the harms done to her and her children, she came to know God in an intimate way that matured and strengthened her. She can now pass on the hope to others who are hurting.

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

Cheryl’s Story: Divorce Followed by Public Humiliation (Part 1)

Divorce is painful. Having your family’s sins written up in the newspaper for all to read might feel worse. Cheryl shares her journey of walking through divorce and public humiliation. She shares how God met her in the crisis. His faithfulness carried her through a day at a time.

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

Mark’s Story: Experiencing God’s Grace in Divorce Brings Healing and Hope (Part 2) 

God’s grace is our hope when we believe we should condemn ourselves. After divorce, Mark saw himself as a failure, focusing on his mistakes rather than on who he was in Christ. The grace offered to him by brothers and sisters in Christ freed him to forgive his ex-wife. He began to believe he had something to offer others. Hope for the future was restored.

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

Mark’s Story: The Weight of Shame In Divorce (Part 1) 

The ending of a marriage through divorce is painful for everyone affected. It can bring up feelings of shame. It can make a person lose confidence and hope. Mark shares how his marriage started with all good intentions and then struggled. Even after working hard to save the marriage, it ended in divorce, which created a sense of failure in him. Redemption was on the horizon, but he couldn’t see it yet.

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Louise Sedgwick Louise Sedgwick

Understanding Students and Their Desire to Belong with Nicole Hunter

Students in middle and high school have a significant need to belong. When they fear they don’t have a place among their peers, shame is often the result. Nicole Hunter, veteran teacher and youth minister, explores the impact of social media and culture on students. She shares how the Gospel can bring hope to students who need encouragement.

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