Looking Back After 100 Podcast Episodes

When I launched my podcast in August 2022, I had no idea how profoundly God would use it to touch lives. I’ve been amazed by the generous souls who shared their time, hearts, and wisdom with us. Sharing so vulnerably in a public forum is no small feat, and I am deeply humbled by their willingness to be a part of this podcast.

This week marks our 100th episode! To celebrate, I’ve created a solo episode reflecting on lessons learned, highlighting proud moments, and sharing what’s ahead for the podcast and my book, "Lifted from Shame."

Your incredible support made this milestone possible. Thank you for downloading, listening, sharing, and for your words of encouragement and prayers. Walking with you on this journey to hope is my passion. Thank you for being part of this adventure!

Grab your FREE chapter of the Bible Study:

Minimized: Biblical Characters Who Experienced Shame


Comparison and Performance Hinders Intimacy with God with Sue Tell (Part 1)


Shame in the Church Because of Relational Hurt