The Search For Significance & Belonging with Brian Dario

So many of the negative messages we receive in childhood are implied rather than spoken aloud. But when they are sent again and again, especially from people who were designated to guide and nurture us, we can easily feel overwhelmed by shame. 

In this episode, I am joined by my friend and pastor, Brian Dario. Brian will share how an absent biological father and stern stepfather made it confusing to understand where he belonged. He will share how well he used humor and athleticism to mask his insecurity about his height and misunderstood neurodivergence.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Why Brian struggled to navigate how to interact with peers in a social setting

  • Why it was so difficult to accept discipline from Brian’s step-dad

  • How Brian felt misunderstood and forced to self-advocate as a child

  • Why healing has empowered him to release criticism with more grace

  • The qualities of Jesus that Brian was drawn to as a child

Grab your FREE chapter of the Bible Study:

Minimized: Biblical Characters Who Experienced Shame


Becoming Rooted in Godly Masculinity & Unconditional Love with Brian Dario


Understanding the Journey of Healing Body Shame