Understanding the Journey of Healing Body Shame

In our first conversation with Jenny Scheid, we learned how shame can show up in how we think and feel about our bodies. As we dive deeper into this very pervasive challenge, Jenny will help us learn how to capture the lies that are fueling our shame and begin to practice honoring our bodies instead. 

We will touch on what might hinder our healing journey in this area and examples of the specific exercises Jenny does in her work with clients as she helps them develop self-compassion and resilience. 

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Why comparison is such a mental trap and how to reframe it with a win-win mindset

  • Why we have to learn to value an objective perspective

  • Why it’s okay to be honest about your feelings about your body

  • Why we need to see our body parts in proportion to the entire body 

  • How to approach someone you love who is showing signs of struggling with an eating disorder

Grab your FREE chapter of the Bible Study:

Minimized: Biblical Characters Who Experienced Shame


The Search For Significance & Belonging with Brian Dario


How Shame Impacts Body Image with Jenny Scheid, MA, LPC