Forgiving Betrayal: Connie’s Story (Part 1)

All of our human relationships require one core element to thrive: trust. When trust on either end begins to dissolve, the entire relationship is instantly vulnerable, which is challenging when this happens in our most important relationships. In this episode, I’ve invited my friend Connie to share her story of a journey of answering the call for mission work alongside her husband. She will unpack how a crisis of faith in her husband led to a handful of destructive choices that left her utterly alone.

 Listen as she shares what it was like to embrace the heartbreak of betrayal in a very demanding season of life. Be sure to join us next week to hear how God redeemed this pain and offered Connie freedom and healing. 

What You’ll Learn

  • How God developed a desire in Connie to serve on the mission field from a young age

  • Why moving and adjusting to new cultures added to the challenge of marriage

  • The signs that Connie was becoming more disconnected than connected to her husband

  • How a lack of community and support intensified Connie’s pain

  • How Connie’s ex-husband regularly minimized and blamed Connie 

Grab your FREE chapter of the Bible Study:

Minimized: Biblical Characters Who Experienced Shame


Forgiveness Produces Freedom: Connie’s Story (Part 2)


Forgiving Others Heals our Shame