Forgiving Others Heals our Shame

Have you ever been overwhelmed or mystified at the idea of being able to forgive someone who has wounded you deeply? It can feel absolutely impossible in most instances, and it would be - without Christ. But God.

 In this episode, I’m sharing the practical steps we must take in order to forgive our offenders and be free of the shame attached to the pain they caused in our lives. Join me as I share parts of my own journey in forgiving my abusers, including what steps you can take even if all you really want is vengeance. I’ll show you how simple it is to invite God to direct your healing journey with a practical, honest prayer. 

What You’ll Learn

  • Why an apology can’t restore our dignity

  • Why we are afraid to practice forgiveness

  • How harmful it is when we are encouraged to just forget hurt done to us

  • Why it is critical for us to get in touch with how desperate we are for God’s forgiveness

  • What to do when there is little or no hope of your offenders taking responsibility for hurting you

Grab your FREE chapter of the Bible Study:

Minimized: Biblical Characters Who Experienced Shame


Forgiving Betrayal: Connie’s Story (Part 1)


Finding the Courage to Stay Present in Pain (Part 2)