Moving Beyond Regret: Learning to Forgive Ourselves

The need to forgive others is usually easy to recognize, but we often minimize the need to forgive ourselves for damage we’ve done. It feels like a confusing process to navigate when we are both the offended and the offender. Yet when we overlook this very significant step in healing, we can unknowingly fuel the shame cycle, which leads to feeling stuck and hopeless. 

We may be able to embrace the idea of being able to trust God with our future, He is more than qualified to handle our past too. In this episode, I’ll unpack the steps you can take to walk in the freedom God offers us when make space to forgive ourselves. You will learn how to move from regret to sorrow to peace to gratitude, and finally, to worship. 

What You’ll Learn

  • What happens when we get stuck in if-only statements

  • The difference between forgiveness and giving ourselves permission to sin

  • Why there’s hope in not being the perfect self or the shame self

  • What truth we have to accept about our sin and the damage we cause

  • A practical exercise for facing and releasing our sin

Links Mentioned:

Episode 45: A Suprising Antidote to Compulsive Sin with Bill Thrall
Episode 46: The Power of Trusting God and Others With Our Compulsive Sin with Bill Thral

Blog Post: Regret

“The Cry of the Soul: How Our Emotions Reveal Our Deepest Questions About God”  by Dan Allendar and Tremper Longman

Grab your FREE chapter of the Bible Study:

Minimized: Biblical Characters Who Experienced Shame


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A Deep Desire For a Life Worth Living with Bill Folz (Part 2)