How Shame Gets a Hold of Us (Part 1)
Getting gifts- especially unexpected gifts is SO much fun. Have you ever received a beautifully packaged gift from someone you love, but found yourself hesitant or even not sure to open it? Pretty unlikely, right?
If you’ve been a follower of Christ for any length of time, you’re aware of the gift of new life that we receive when we trust that Christ’s death on the cross pays for our sin. What I have discovered is how often we leave this gift not only unopened, but even untouched because of the impact of shame in our lives.
Shame is a toxic result of sin - sin done to us and the sin that we commit. The reason that shame is dangerous is because it can attack us at any age and continues to take up so much space in our minds and hearts. Experiences of shame speak messages to us that God is not who He says He is and we are not who He says we are..
In this episode, you’ll hear just a few examples of how a simple negative experience can begin to destroy our entire view of ourselves. You’ll learn why it’s natural to look for evidence of why you feel unworthy and how to start gathering the courage to step into the light.
What You’ll Learn
How sin impacts our relationships so deeply
Why justice is something we crave as humans
What happens when avoid our need for healing
Why it is so easy to minimize our own sin
That your brain needs healing just as much as any other part of your body