Failed Attempts at Covering Our Shame

Have you ever been shocked at your ability to hurt someone or how badly you could mess up? Whether we intend to or not, we have a capacity to do a lot of harm. And in these moments the most natural thing to do is hide. But then another trap is set for us because the ways we try to hide can lead to even more sin. 

Join me in this episode as I share specific examples of the most common strategies we have as humans to hide. But the good news is that we never have to stay stuck. Jesus came to cover all these weak places in our lives. But more than that, He is the only one capable of meeting our deepest needs. Come discover how it’s possible.

What You’ll Learn

  • Why our lack of awareness of our struggle with sin is what keeps us stuck

  • Why the judgment of others can crush us so easily

  • What you tend to use as “sophisticated fig leaves” 

  • That shame is a relational experience

  • Why you might still be struggling to trust God to meet your needs 

Grab your FREE chapter of the Bible Study:

Minimized: Biblical Characters Who Experienced Shame


Our Valid Needs for Love and Respect


Lisa's Story: Healing From the Shame of Domestic Abuse: (Part 2)