Avoiding Shame through Judgmental Criticism

We are all created with a deep desire to be uniquely and personally loved. If we have learned to allow God to meet that need, we have the ability to appreciate our own strengths and those of others with ease. And at the same time, we can also show compassion for others in their areas of weakness. 

Yet when we are uncertain of our value, we have a natural tendency to criticize and label others in an attempt to feel better about ourselves. In this episode, I’ll share how this pattern developed in my own life and why it was destroying me. I’ll also guide you through the practical steps of practicing self-examination when a critical attitude surfaces in your heart. As you release your need to criticize others, God can shift your focus what needs to change in others to what needs to change in you. 

What You’ll Learn:

  • How shame distorts our desire to be uniquely loved

  • Why criticism only comforts us for a brief moment

  • How criticism can keep us frozen in a habit of making comparisons

  • Why we have to become experts at examining our need to criticize

  • How constant criticism is fueled by a need to stay in control

Grab your FREE chapter of the Bible Study:

Minimized: Biblical Characters Who Experienced Shame


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