Understanding the Origins of Anger in Us with Russ Yost, LMFT (Part One)

In order to take a deeper dive into how and why anger surfaces in our hearts, I’ve invited Licensed Therapist and Counselor, Russ Yoast to help us find some practical solutions in our weakest moments. Anger can be fueled by many situations, but we often come face to face with it when something exposes the shame we carry. 

If you struggle with anger, the good news is that God is not surprised at your struggle. Russ will help us learn why even those who claim to follow Christ struggle to manage their anger. Join us as we discover the importance of approaching anger with curiosity and examining the moments that fuel it. We’ll even talk about tuning into our bodies to mitigate anger’s negative effects while channeling it toward redemptive change.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Why “Alligator Brain” is helpful for understanding a trauma response

  • How the reactions we have in our anger can become habits

  • How to take oour body’s cues that our shame or anger is being triggered

  • Why we need to recognize how anger can be a gift

  • Why God can be trusted with our anger

Links Mentioned

Connect with Russ and learn more on his website: www.russyost.com

Grab your FREE chapter of the Bible Study:

Minimized: Biblical Characters Who Experienced Shame


Tools to Deal with Anger in Ourselves and Others with Russ Yost, LMFT (Part 2)


Using Anger As Self-Protection