A Surprising Antidote to Compulsive Sin with Bill Thrall

Have you ever stopped to get curious about what is behind compulsive sin? In this episode, I’ve invited author and pastor, Bill Thrall to dive into this very complicated question. Because of the shame that accompanies compulsive sin, it is hard to believe that behind it is a God-given need to trust God and others with our needs. But this is where the real recovery begins.

Bill will share with us the powerful message that there is good news for all of us that may surprise you! We were never designed to manage or control our sin. It is only through the work of believing Christ’s sacrifice for us that we can escape the bondage of sin. Join us as we learn why compulsive sin can take root in our lives, how we feed the sin cycle, and why a lack of sin is not the chief indication of our health.

What You’ll Learn

  • The difference between addiction and compulsive sin

  • What the intention all of sin is in our lives

  • What happens when we lose hope that we can change

  • The impact of bad theology on addressing compulsive sin

  • Simple one-line prayers that can connect you to God’s heart in dark moments

Resources Mentioned

TrueFaced:  Trust God and Others with Who You Really Are

By Bill Thrall, Bruce McNicol, and John Lynch

Grab your FREE chapter of the Bible Study:

Minimized: Biblical Characters Who Experienced Shame


The Power of Trusting God & Others With Our Compulsive Sin (Part 2) with Bill Thrall


How Confession Refreshes Our Souls