Understanding God's Design: The Gift of Conscience

We’ve all been impacted by someone who is shameless in their actions. It can be difficult to understand how anyone, (including ourselves) can act without any regard for others around them. And yet it happens all the time. We have all been created with the law of God written on our hearts, but when we choose to live by our own law, our ability to hear and respond to God is weakened.

In this solo teaching episode, I’m going to dive into a core concept of understanding shame as it connects to our spirituality; the role of the conscience and the Holy Spirit. God graciously gave us the ability to choose to live according to his law and design so we don’t have to live in the bondage of sin. Yet the conscience becomes dull and ineffective when we don’t stay in tune with God’s purpose for our lives. Join me as I share why healthy shame helps us see our need for God. 

What You’ll Learn

  • What takes place between knowing the truth and acting shamelessly

  • The difference between the role of the conscience and the Holy Spirit

  • Why a conscience is dependent on a solid foundation of truth

  • How obedience frees us to live in alignment with God so that we don’t feel guilt and shame

Grab your FREE chapter of the Bible Study:

Minimized: Biblical Characters Who Experienced Shame


How Confession Refreshes Our Souls


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