How Shame Gets a Hold of Us (Part 3)

Have you ever thoughts about how much the face represents a person? When you think about it, it’s because the face is the first thing we see in a person. Our faces show so much of what goes on our heart. 

Each time someone hurts us, we try to make sense of it in our minds and hearts. We think that if we were truly valuable, then people wouldn’t ever choose to hurt us. And because people continue to hurt us, we have this pile of evidence that seems to line up with the lie.

Yet there’s good news. God never designed you to be able to absorb sin. Sin destroys and leads to death. Only with God can we find the abundant life we need. In this episode, I’ll share about why you’re making generalizations about your relationships that are keeping you from connecting. You’ll also discover the key role forgiveness plays in your healing journey. 

What You’ll Learn

  • Why it’s hard to know the difference between a lie and truth when we’re young

  • How to spot the signs that you’re viewing life through a veil of shame

  • Why God is unbelievably patient in this process

  • How to begin to identify your personal generalizations and what impact they have on you

  • Why we will always crave justice as humans

Links Mentioned in the Episode


Kent's Story: Childhood Shame Messages Healed by God's Love, (Part 1)


How Shame Gets a Hold of Us (Part 2)