Dynamics in the Workplace That Help or Harm with Larry (Part 1)
This week on the podcast, we're diving into the complex world of work and the emotions that come with it. While I’ve been fortunate to enjoy most of my jobs, I know that's not always the case for everyone. Jobs can lift us up—or drain us of energy and joy. And sometimes, the workplace can be a source of unexpected shame.
I’m joined by Larry, a successful businessman with years of experience. In our conversation, Larry reflects on what he’s observed in offices with supportive atmospheres and, just as importantly, those without. What makes an employee feel safe? What fuels tension in a workplace? And does God really care about our jobs, even when they’re not tied to full-time ministry? Larry’s insights are both thoughtful and practical, and I know you’ll appreciate his perspective.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
What happens when leadership overvalues productivity
Why fear is such a terrible motivator for change
The keys to creating an emotionally and relationally healthy workplace
Examples of why leaders could feel the need to criticize their team so often
Why our work can be a powerful opportunity to reflect the truth of what God thinks of people
To inquire about counseling, email Louise at Louise@louisesedgwick.com.