RI Soul Care Event

A Trip to Rhode Island

In early October of this year, I was privileged to be in Cranston, Rhode Island for the RI Soul Care event.  Over 300 women registered to attend.  Representatives from local organizations who minister to women affected by trauma were also present.  What a powerful day!

A Vision Birthed

RI Soul Care came about as the result of the leadership and vision of my friend, Karlene Rogers.  She is a woman with a heart after God and a passion to help other women find healing through Jesus.  Karlene is a gifted leader who mobilized a team of people to create the event.  Wisely, she bathed the event in prayer, regularly gathering people to beseech God to move in a powerful way before, during, and after the event.  I felt honored to be invited to some of those Zoom prayer times.  Together, we sought the Lord, and He heard our cries.

Answered Prayers

At the event, we heard that there is a group of pastors in Rhode Island who have been meeting regularly to pray for decades, asking the Holy Spirit to move, drawing people to Christ.  I believe that the RI Soul Care event was part of an answer to those many years of prayer.  Glory to God!

Connections were made, hope ignited, tears shed, resources offered, and the Gospel proclaimed. I will long remember watching women move to the front of the auditorium where others met them to hear their requests and then lift their needs to the Father.  Hearts were touched in ways only He knows. 

The Gift of Redemption

Karlene invited me to share some of my story with the women at the event. What a joy to share what God has done in me! The women responded with tears, hugs, words of thanks, and encouragement.  A number of them trusted me with their stories. Their experiences were heart wrenching yet filled with a knowledge that God is greater than the scars and able to redeem.

Karlene asked me to bring copies of my book, sales of which were kindly managed by the local Christian bookstore, New Life Christian Store.  I felt humbled that the books sold out quickly.  I pray that the book will give hope and help to all who read it.  I snapped the photo included in this blog at the bookstore table before the event began. 

Will you pray with me that God might open doors for further opportunities for me to share what He has done in my life?  I often say that if God can heal me–one of the most stubborn women He’s created–He can heal anyone!  He has truly lifted me from shame, and lifted me to hope. He is my Savior.

Psalm 40:1-3  “I waited patiently for the Lord;  he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord.”

*Photo taken at the RI Soul Care Event, Praise Tabernacle, Cranston, RI.

Questions to Ponder: Do you believe God has redeemed your life?  Why or why not?  How have you seen Him use your story to help others?

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