The Master’s Voice
I once received an eight week old puppy from the Humane Society for Mother’s Day. We named her Lacey. A Golden Retriever mix, she was the joy of our family for all of her life.
Lacey was quite possibly the cutest puppy I’d ever seen. I jumped headlong into training her, teaching her to go potty outside, to sit, lie down, and come when she was called. I walked her twice a day and took her to the small dog park so that she’d socialize with other dogs and humans. I invested in her with a full heart. Gaining her trust meant she would know me as a good master.
The Dog Park Test
After some months passed, I tested her training while at the dog park. She wandered around, sniffing and enjoying the other dogs. There were about fifty canines that night. I stood back. Then I called, “Lacey! Lacey!”
Lacey stopped. She lifted her head and looked around for me. I called her again, “Lacey!” Her eyes locked on mine and she came running.
She Knew My Voice
I noticed that no other dog responded to me. No other dog recognized my voice. It was Lacey who knew me. She was the one that came when I called her.
I remembered the words Jesus spoke about Himself as the Good Shepherd. “The sheep follow him, for they know his voice (John 10:4 ESV).” Lacey knew my voice and followed me because I had daily demonstrated my love and commitment to her. I was present. I took good care of her. She trusted me.
The Good Shepherd
If such trust can happen between a dog and its owner, how much more can I learn to hear and trust the voice of my Good Shepherd? He is more attentive and caring to me than I can ever comprehend. He teaches me, meets my needs, comforts me, and knows me better than I know myself. He has been there with me from the moment of my conception. His faithfulness to me knows no bounds.
I can still occasionally forget this ever-present goodness. When I do–when unbelief creeps into my heart and mind–I recall the sustaining care of God. I reflect on His greatest expression of love for me. Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep (John 10:11 ESV).” There is no greater love than this. I choose to follow Him because He is my Good and Faithful Shepherd.
Psalm 23:1 (ESV) “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.”